How to Start Homeschooling
While reading about homeschooling and its benefits is always interesting and inspiring, there comes a time for action. This is where many people get stuck. They may think “Homeschooling sounds great, but I can’t do it YET …” or “I just don’t know where to start …”
The easiest way to start homeschooling is to just do it! I know that doesn’t sound very helpful on the surface, but think about it. You have already been teaching your child since the day he was born. If your child is currently attending a traditional school, you most likely have been helping with homework. Every book you read to your child is part of his education. By simply planning ahead a little, you can use age-appropriate books as a basis for so many topics. There are families who use their public library as their sole book source for homeschooling.
You will need to investigate the regulations regarding homeschooling for your state. Our page on homeschool legal considerations can help with that. While starting out, the most important thing to consider is what your state requires regarding notification. Make sure you notify the correct official (for example, it may be your local school district’s superintendent) within the appropriate time frame. It really is not that difficult – usually all you have to do is send a letter that says “I intend to educate my child at home.”
Probably the most difficult step is to select which textbooks to use, and there are plenty of resources to help with that. Visit our page on home school curriculum for more details. With the plethora of guides, curriculum, and recommended book lists, you can get started by simply using the textbooks recommended by a curriculum provider or other expert. There is a very basic set of subjects to cover, and all highly-regarded curriculum providers cover all the basics. So many people have gone before you that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
Be willing to search around the Internet, do the research (which really is not that difficult) and you will find it much easier to start homeschooling than you think.
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